Top Ten Most Popular Cat Breeds

There area unit forty one recognized cat breeds in keeping with the Cat Fanciers' Association, the world's largest written record of pedigree cats. the various cat breeds have a mess of variable characteristics however all build nice pets within the applicable home. whereas this is not essentially an inventory of the simplest breed of cat, below area unit the 10 preferred cat breeds in America in 2008 in keeping with the Cat Fanciers' Association.

   1- Persian - Persians area unit an outsized cat breed. The Persian features a svelte habitus and an extended coat which needs an intensive quantity of pet grooming. Persians' activity level is low relative to alternative cats. they're famed to be comparatively simple cats to handle and quiet.
   2- Exotic Shorthair - Exotic Shorthairs area unit an outsized cat breed. The Exotic Shorthair features a cobby habitus and a brief coat which needs a median quantity of grooming. Exotic Shorthairs' activity level is low relative to alternative cats. they're famed to be comparatively simple to handle and quiet.
   3- Pine Tree State Coon - Pine Tree State Coons area unit AN x-large cat breed. The Pine Tree State Coon features a moderate habitus and an extended coat which needs a median quantity of pet grooming. Pine Tree State Coons' activity level is average relative to alternative cats. they're famed to be comparatively simple cats to handle and quiet.
    4- Siamese - The Siamese could be a medium cat breed. it's a svelte habitus and a brief coat which needs a negligible quantity of grooming. The Siamese's activity level is incredibly high relative to alternative cats. they're famed to be comparatively troublesome cats to handle and extremely vocal.
    5- Abyssinian cat - Abyssinians area unit atiny low cat breed. The Abyssinian cat features a slender habitus and a brief coat which needs a below average quantity of pet grooming. Abyssinians' activity level is incredibly high. they're famed to be comparatively troublesome cats to handle however comparatively quiet.
    6- Ragdoll - Ragdolls area unit an outsized cat breed. The Ragdoll features a moderate habitus ANd an extended coat which needs an on top of average quantity of grooming. Ragdolls' activity level is fairly low relative to alternative cats. they're famed to be comparatively simple cats to handle and quiet.
    7- Sphynx - The Sphynx could be a medium cat breed. it's a moderate habitus and a brief coat which needs a median quantity of pet grooming. The Sphynx activity level is high relative to alternative cats. they're famed to be comparatively simple cats to handle however vocal talkers.
    8- yankee Shorthair - yankee Shorthairs area unit an outsized cat breed. The yankee Shorthair features a semi-cobby habitus and a brief coat which needs a below average quantity of grooming. yankee Shorthairs' activity level is fairly low. they're famed to be comparatively average cats to handle and quiet.
    9- Birman - Birmans area unit an outsized cat breed. The Birman features a moderate habitus and an extended coat which needs a median quantity of pet grooming. Birmans' activity level is fairly low. they're famed to be comparatively simple cats to handle and quiet.
    10- Oriental - Orientals area unit atiny low cat breed. The Oriental features a svelte habitus and a brief or medium length coat which needs a negligible or below average quantity of grooming. Oriental Shorthairs' activity level is incredibly high relative to alternative cats. they're famed to be comparatively troublesome cats to handle and extremely vocal talkers.


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